Not a fan of christmas, but this intrigues me.

Movies, or any sort of stories about Santa Claus are nothing new. Many are about Santa Claus needing help, some address his origins, while others try to paint him in a different light (like letting him be a slasher villain, to name one example). In any case, a few questions are often raised about these stories. Like how, in a world where Santa Claus exists, is it possible for people to not believe he’s real? That is, if you didn’t believe he was real, then who do you think is leaving all the presents under the tree? Do you just assume it was your significant other? That seems likely, but what if you happen to have money problems, wouldn’t this at least spark a discussion, from which you both deduce neither bought the presents, and you’d start considering the possibility? For that matter, if Santa Claus were real, how come did you stop believing in him? Then I haven’t begun about his origins. When you hear the name “Santa Claus”, you think of an old man in a red suit, with sleigh and flying reindeer, who lives at the North Pole. But how many people are aware of Saint Nicholas? Those few who are would describe him as the Dutch equivalent of Santa Claus, but that isn’t at all the case. To describe him as such, would imply that Saint Nicholas is based on Santa Claus, and not the other way around. And even so, while they are the same in many regards (white beard, giving gifts to kids, wearing a red suit,…), there are many differences. Like the fact that he comes around on the night of the 5th of December, rides a horse, lives in Spain, looks more like a bishop, and many more. So stories that address the origin of Santa Claus, should actually be talking about Saint Nicholas first. Maybe this is something I ought to try one of these days. Write a story about Saint Nicholas, explain how its possible for him to exist in a world that doesn’t believe he exists, etcetera.